Cricket may be your religion and Sachin may be your God..... but I don't like your religion and I dont like your God.... I dont care what you think about me and I dont care a damn...
No.. I am not insane.... I may sound very sarcastic... but then that is what i feel about this game taught to us by the Englishmen..... Cricket according to me is nothing but pure waste of time and money....
People shirk work for watching a cricket match on the television..... Hockey is our national game.... but even then the focus is always on cricket.... All the other games like Football, Hockey, Athletics take a beating....
You may have your own views about cricket.... For you it may be the greatest game ever played... But i just dont love this game... When India wins a cricket match..there are celebrations all around... But did you ever pause and think... "How many nations play this game?" Hardly 12.... And despite of that.... India is not the No. 1.... Just look at the population of India.... How many medals do we win in Olympics??? One every four years... After winning a lone medal... we all feel proud.... Have you ever thought why do other countries with a population half than ours like France, UK, Germany win so many medals??? It is because in India...all the youngsters want to grow up and become Sachin Tendulkars or Rahul Dravids...... but no one ever dreams of winning a gold medal in Olympics for our country????
Com'on India... wake up... its time for us to promote other games... Have a look at other Indians who are making their mark in other sports....
Watch out for Narain Karthikeyan....nick named "Fastest Indian in the world".. he drives a F1 car.... the first Indian to do so... considering the fact... there are only 20 seats in the world... he is among the top 20.... and he is also the first Indian to score 5 F1 points... and one of the best debut drivers having a good season...Watch out for Sania Mirza... she plays Tennis.... is the first Indian to break into the top 50....currently ranked 34th.... and has the potential to break into top 10... has a big (both male and female) fan following.....
Watch out for Anju George.... She is a long jumper..... Has won a bronze medal in World Athletic Championships.... she is also the first Indian athlete ever to win a medal in a major international competition.... she achieved this distinction when she won a medal in Paris...
Now guys.. did you realize.... what did you miss out... you missed out these guys making their debuts and making it BIG..... now just keep a watch on them.... you dont know... when they will say... "CRICKET ----- GAME OVER"
dude!!!!!.. its only a game man!! and we aint playing it, we aint paying for it. most of us have enough sense not to go head over heels over these things if not the rest of the hordes of supposedly cricket fans, who will abuse the team one day.. and praise it the other.
ill tell im a fan of cricket. i watch every race of narain, many matches of sania ( droool) .. and im not the only one!!!
i think the point is not blame cricket.... its to understand that its all supposed to be fun and entertainment, and just enjoy the whole deal.
kayko dimag phodi karta hai.. gup basun sachinla bag nah re yedya!! buhahaha..
p.s :
dont talk bout my husband's profession like that.
that was me
I am saying the truth... and as u can see everyone agrees with me...
Cricket. .GAME OVER...
Ask your husband to find another job.... I think he can try modelling too..... ;)
i was i die hard cricket fan too,but now i wont hesitate 2 say "cricket sucks"
A Chinese company is honoring ex-president Bill Clinton by naming a new line of condoms after him - along with a companion line of condoms that will be named after his ex-girlfriend, Monica Lewinsky.
Reports Britain's Sky News: The Guangzhou Haokian Bio-science company has registered their names as trademarks for the contraceptives.
The condoms will display Chinese spellings: Kelitun and Laiwensiji.
A 12-pack of Clintons is expected to cost $5.00, with Lewinskys selling at a discounted price of just over $3.00.
The manufacturer's general manager, Liu Wenhua, told Sky News that naming his condoms for Clinton was perfectly legal, explaining that "trademarks of two foreign surnames and can't be seen as a violation of rights."
i dont think so that cricket sucks.Aleast our crickter reached the finals of 2003 world cup.Till date,sania mirza nor narain kartikeyan achieved this milestone.What sania mirza did till date?Nothing........She did'nt even played any grand slam quater final.what our gr8 narain did?Nothing...........he only tries to finish race coz otherwise the boss will screw him.he got 5 points coz there were only six cars in race.When played final there were 16 teams playing.So indian cricket rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
and indian tennis suckssssssssssss!
Except for this last anonymous person.... everyone seems to agree that "Cricket sucks"........
Who is this anonymous person.... Dont tell me "Pehchaan kaun?"
that's me dude...................
Sania at the age of 18 did something which a cricketer cannot even dream of. She has made herself famous world-wide. Narian is one of the top 20 fastest drivers in the world today. And let me clarify that he drives one of the slowest cars on the circuit. Even the great Michael Schumacher and the new F1 champion Fernando Alonso started their careers with the slower cars.
Alonso made his debut in 2001 for Minardi. It took him 4 years to take away the championship from Michael Schumacher. And dude, a F1 car plays a very important role in winning a F1 race. Give a better car to Karthikeyan and see the difference in his results.
And as everybody knows the recent mud slinging that is taking place between the coach and the captain. All has been sweeped under the carpet. The people who watch cricket are just fools while the BCCI mints all the money under the guise of playing cricket.
so what if sania started her career at a age of 18...even maria sharapova is 18.Sachin tendulkar started his career at a age of 17 and today he is a god of cricket.i bet sania doesnt have that calibre to become numero uno and In 1994 and 1995 Michael Schumacher was world champion with Benetton.So its was not his car it was his talent,which narain is lackin.
Cricket is the only game in india which brings more than 100 crore rupees of business.Even narain is 20th fastest but he is not number 1....there's only place one on top...which narain or sania cant even dream of..........
so what if sania started her career at a age of 18...even maria sharapova is 18.Sachin tendulkar started his career at a age of 17 and today he is a god of cricket.i bet sania doesnt have that calibre to become numero uno and In 1994 and 1995 Michael Schumacher was world champion with Benetton.So its was not his car it was his talent,which narain is lackin.
Cricket is the only game in india which brings more than 100 crore rupees of business.Even narain is 20th fastest but he is not number 1....there's only place one on top...which narain or sania cant even dream of..........
so what if sania started her career at a age of 18...even maria sharapova is 18.Sachin tendulkar started his career at a age of 17 and today he is a god of cricket.i bet sania doesnt have that calibre to become numero uno and In 1994 and 1995 Michael Schumacher was world champion with Benetton.So its was not his car it was his talent,which narain is lackin.
Cricket is the only game in india which brings more than 100 crore rupees of business.Even narain is 20th fastest but he is not number 1....there's only place one on top...which narain or sania cant even dream of..........
so what if sania started her career at a age of 18...even maria sharapova is 18.Sachin tendulkar started his career at a age of 17 and today he is a god of cricket.i bet sania doesnt have that calibre to become numero uno and In 1994 and 1995 Michael Schumacher was world champion with Benetton.So its was not his car it was his talent,which narain is lackin.
Cricket is the only game in india which brings more than 100 crore rupees of business.Even narain is 20th fastest but he is not number 1....there's only place one on top...which narain or sania cant even dream of..........
Ok dude.. I agree Micheal Schumacher was faster in his Benetton in 1994.... But let me let u that he made his F1 debut in the year 1991...
So it took him 3 years to achieve this feat.... and talking of Sachin Tendulkar making his debut at the age of 16 years.. he was out for a duck on his debut against took him 78 matches to register his first hundred...
And dude... playing an international game like Tennis requires you to engage foreign coaches who charge exorbitant fees.... so u need sponsors... and in a cricket-greedy country like India if someone like Sania Mirza can improve her rankings from 200+ to under 30 thats something to be proud of.... Sania is the fastest improving tennis player in the world according to the recent Tennis News...
Cricket is a team game unlike Tennis and F1 where only individual talent matters....
Team India is yet to win any major final since a long time.... Team India is just a bunch of "chokers".... the recent mud-slinging proves that Cricket in India is on the verge of extinction... First it was match-fixing and now it is bond-fixing between the coach and the captain...
We indian never think of getting BIG.....we get satisfied with what we get.That's why we are satisfied with performance of sania mirza(world ranking 34) and narain.Our cricket team were in a position to reach number 1 spot.Sania mirza is famous in india,is not because of her game or talent but because of her Beauty and Body.But each and every member of indian cricket team who is famous is because of his sheer talent and gr8 performance.Do you think narain will ever get a chance to drive ferrari or mclaren..i dont think so coz he lacks basic talent of F-1.Sania she will never come in top 10...In this world if u r no 34 or no 17 no one will notice u,but if u r no 1 then every one will salute u.That's why the whole world salute tendulkar,dravid etc etc not because they are no 34 or no 17 but they are number 1.
Indian Cricket is drawing crore of rupees because the proved themselves that they are best.why should sponsorer waste there money by sponsoring sania or narain when they know they not gonna get good returns.i m sure indian cricket will b in rule for next century and i m also sure about sania and narain that they will be in this circuit not more than 2 yrs.
Even i would like to explore new paths....but i don't want to follow the losers.
For your kind information this indian team beat aussies in there own den.If you think sania or narain is having gr8 talent then they would have atleast got qualified to big stages.playing Robin round is not a big deal.Standing 17 or 16 in race out of 20 people is not at all a gr8 thing.Gimme a single,y v should praise sania or narain?Just because our crickter are going through bad patch, sania and narain
are getting media attention,which is not gonna stay for long coz CRICKET gonna come back with BANG.
I think cricketers are being pampered for no reason at all. The latest ICC rankings show the place where India stands. India stands at the 7th position just above West Indies, Zimbabwe and Bangladesh. With only 10 Test Playing countries in world cricket.. do you justify the India's ranking??? Do you think its a bad phase??? It is not buddy....
And talking about Narain and Sania... do you know who are their main sponsors at the moment??? Its TATA... one of the top industries in India.... Narain and Sania have come up with their sheer talent alone.... Its not a team effort for them....
And do you know none of the Indian cricket team player except for Dinesh Karthick is on the ICC "Players of the year" list??? Do you feel sad????
And the recent cold war which has been the topic of discussion in the media has just been swept under the carpet by Mahendra and Dalmiya.... The BCCI is one of the richest sports body in the world... But what is it doing???
Cricket is old and ill... Let it die a natural death.... Let Cricket Rest in Peace....
is ur name ganguly?
No Dude cricket is like sun...which will remain in this universe as long as it wants.No one has guts to throw cricket out of india,thats why all big people are dying to get satelite rights of cricket coz its a all time big investment and its gonna generate high revenue in coming years.
While indian tennis and F-1 is like stars u'll get millinos of such star.Which will shine for one day and next day it will die.
"Form is temporary,but Class is Permanent"
Gone are the days when the cricketers fooled the people.... The recent news reports have shown that most of the matches have been rigged at some point or the other....
Cricketers play only for money and not for their country..... It can be seen from the recent BCCI meeting which took place....
If the BCCI members had really cared for the benefit of the game they would have sacked either the captain or the coach... But they played it safe by putting a lid on the volcano.....
The volcano is gonna erupt soon... and let me tell u my friend.... the next BCCI meeting will be a farce.... coz I know they will end up making Sourav Ganguly as the captain....
Indian Cricket is going to the rats...... Dont compare Cricket with the sun....... Cricket is a sport which is dying to get into Olympics... but it will never get a chance... Because the world knows... Soccer rules.... the world speaks only one language and that is SOCCER......
Dude this is ridiculous........Tell me u wanna debate on indian cricket vs indian tennis or cricket vs your blog u tried to screw indian cricket and praise sania and narain......from where suddenly soccer came to picture.If u discussing on international level than cricket stands 7th,sania stand 34.....there's no way u can compare indian cricket and tennis on international level.In india cricket rulezzzzz.....
I still stand by my word... Cricket sucks... I just wanted to make my point clear that now Indians should start encouraging other sports and stop watching cricket....
Any sport other than cricket... just rules.... cricket is a game which continues for more than 7 hours.... A cricket Test Match lasts for 5 days... dont you think it is ridiculous to wait for 5 days for a result which sometimes can result in a draw.....
And dude..... I am praising Sania and Narain becuase unlike majority of Indians, they managed to break away from the shackles of cricket and carved a niche for themselves....
I just gave 3 examples of people from other sports you should watch out for... I was not talking about any sport in particular....
ok dada we agree. gawd!! this debate surely is goin places.:P
i still dont understand why people are taking all this soo seriously..
i think everyone is raising valid points, but at the same time, everyone is becoming too judgemental about it.
sure our cricket "team" can be bugging at times, but i wouldnt DAMN the game just yet. if anything i think all the teams of times gone by have worked towards bringing popularity game. ups and downs toh hote rahega..
at the same time... sania, narain are only just startin out in their road to fame... they have a long way to go before they unseat the heros of cricket.
football is another story all together, the shit that happens in indian football makes cricket look very professional and gentlemanly.
cant we just enjoy the uncertainities of sport and stop being so damn cynical about a little shit that goes on around us......
Stop fighting Drink beer and enjoy...
This topic has been closed for further discussions....
i think we betta suggestion.....drink beer n enjoy.......
i think we gotta betta suggestion.....drink beer n enjoy.......
I had closed this topic for further discussion coz now it had been proved that its time for us to encourage other sports and stop wagging our tails for a game like Cricket.....
Great work!
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