It’s been a long time since I have heard the musical sound of scissors chopping my hair. Yes, this time I am growing my mane. I never thought I will be growing my hair at any point in my life. But yes.... I did want to go bald once .... Just imagine the cool breeze blowing and soothing your bald palate....
I always wanted my palate to be shiny and so dreamt of applying lots of oil on my shaved head to make it shine like a sun in the clear sky.... I wanted that shimmering effect... But alas!!! My dream never materialised......
After joining a call center I met a guy called Jai.... He was a kind of guy who had this mischevious smile and believe me... he lived to his reputation.... I bonded with him pretty soon... I guess thats the reason they say.. "Birds of a feather flock together"..... I always love doing Keedas....
Now, Jai with his pony tail looked like a perfect punter on the prowl for doing that Keeda Masti...He was the one who inspired me to to grow one pony myself..... But then there was a problem.... my hair is curly... its like a dog's tail... No matter what you do.. it always wanders in direction of its own...... So, I was about to give up this idea of growing my hair but then decided against it....
Months passed and my long hair came under severe criticism.... everyone from my family members to my friends had an opinion on it...... My mom was the one who I feared the most..... After all she had warned me.... "Denzil... you tie a pony once and it will be easier for me to chop that pony off....."
Poor me!!!! I was scared.... had night mares at night....What if my mom really did that... "Main toh kisi koh apne Baal dikhane layak nahi rahoonga"....... Thank God... she did not do that.... It's been close to 8 months now.... I have visited the barber only once during this period....and this is how I would have looked if I had been to the barber....

Now... its become a trend for the guys to grow their hair.... You can find such long haired guy species in any of the call centers...... Its very typical for any call center guy to have long hair.... Most of them are in the race to grow their hair just to get that rockstar look...
My new hairdo has even earned me a new nic name from my manager .. "CURLY" ... Tell you what??? My manager is jealous of my long curly hair (ghane mulayam kale baal).... You know why??? Simple... I think you guessed it right....
P.S. I charge nominal fees for featuring in Shampoo advertisements.
sheeesh.. wots with these ads re!! marketng public kidar bhi aaram se nahi rehne dega!!
and dont start about long hair man..:(:((.. i didnt cut me locks for a whole year, then had to give in to relentless pressure from amma! even now i got normal length hair and shes already goin loco on me!!
Lol! Do you really have a long gorgeous pony tail?
What's the secret behind your beautiful lustrous curly hair? :p
No matter how hard I try, I still find it difficult to manage my hair.
Do you mind giving me some tips, 'ustaad'?? :)
To Andy.... I dont know why moms are so fussy about their sons growing their hair.. I gues they are jealous.. hehe
To Renny.... I dont know how Samson from bible looked like... I was not born then... hehe.. but thanks for giving me the idea of Samson...
To Insidemamind.... Yup.. u can be my chela.... or cheli.... I will give u all the tips to have long lustrous pony tail... Just watch out for me in the new shampoo commercial.....
You give me hope.
-A fellow curly-haired guy whose mother threatened him with the same thing.
To Anirudh....
So... who was the winner???
Your mom or you????
My ma was the winner but I am making a comeback now. It's damn tough to grow long hair when they're curly though.
Yup.. I agree with you Anirudh... Its tough to let the curly hair grow... But then I am living up to the challenge..
Russ : my long hair lasted for 9months. then it got 2 curly 2 handle :p plus i was forced to hav a bath cause of it :p & ya mom + gmom kept cribbing abt it ...so had 2 cut it :(( :((
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