As we all know, MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger are the two big daddies of the internet messenger world. Rediff Bol is a just another new born.
Well, when I started chatting, mIRC was the hot favourite among youngsters like me.... Then slowly, I shifted my loyalty towards MSN. Chatting on MSN Messenger was fun because I could invite my friends in a conference.... Later on..I began to like Yahoo. It was because when none of my friends were online..I could go into one of the chat rooms and have fun chatting with complete strangers from different parts of the world....
After chatting with my friends, here are my some of my observations about the chat machines we use today:
Name : MSN Messenger 7.0
Why Yes: Winks which occupy half the screen, Messages can be sent in one's handwriting
Why No: No chat rooms
Name : Yahoo Messenger 7.0
Why Yes: Indian Audibles, Launchcast Radio, Stealth Settings
Why No: Bad Conferencing facility
Name : Rediff Bol 7.0
Why Yes: Indian Chat rooms
Why No: Dhinchak Skins (Purple...Eeks)
Name : Google Talk (BETA)
Why Yes: Cute interface, Small in size (Size does matter)
Why No: No invisible mode, No conferencing
But I must say that Google Talk is the best of all the messengers available today..... Its because it has a cute interface.... and it looks cho chweet!!!! Also, it can be hidden any time when your boss comes around for his usual rounds..... But I would like to add some featues to Google Talk like the Mr. India mode.... I mean..the Invisible Mode..... Also, the addition of the conference facility will be an added advantage.....
So guys.... if you have not yet downloaded Google Talk ....what are you waiting for???? Click on the link and start talking..... I mean chatting...
DEX: In case you guys are unaware about rediffbol....it allows you to send sms through the messenger...i am using it and really works.........But the only limitation is it can allow you to send only three SMS's until the number where you sent the message replys back to you....again it will allow only three SMS.... There is a cool work aroud..keep creatin rediff ids...anyways its free..........
Dex: regarding GMAIL/talk it also works on linux platform and the call facility is a superhit part of the messenger.........well the messenger size is hardly 1MB and hell lot av features.......I love it .......
DEX:i tried trillian.....the best thing is it can allow many yahoo ids to be connected at a same time and also hotmail accounts through same messenger.... the best part is, all the accounts open in a single messenger..........
DEX:i tried trillian.....the best thing is it can allow many yahoo ids to be connected at a same time and also hotmail accounts through same messenger.... the best part is, all the accounts open in a single messenger..........
Hey Denzil. This is Kanchan.
I was under the impression that you are only good at PRANKS. But this proves that you have done a tremendous job on your writeups.
Good Show Dude.
Thanks Kanchan...
Thank you so much.... Keep visiting the blog...and do keep commenting...
P.S. Don't dare to write about my pranks...
Hey I think I need to check Trillian too..... Seems it has the potential to be the next big thing....
I love Yahoo Messenger.. It's sooo chweet! I like the cute smileys and .... the IMvironment! The games and avatars make it a 100% fun messenger.YM meets the needs of people of all ages!
thats intresting....
lal popat
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