Both exchanged those curious gazes the first time their eyes met in the sparse crowd of the Cafeteria. Lavina's black kohled eyes seemed to question Daniel's dark eyes. His eyes had so much to ask yet nothing to answer. The time appeared to stand still and then both were rudely jolted back to reality by a guy in low waist washed out jeans and extra large T-Shirt hollering to his gang of 5 guys and 2 gals that it was getting late. He seemed to be in a hurry to rush home and had already stuffed his mouth with one chunk of Samosa and one more in other hand.
Damn!!! thought Daniel. "Had it not been for this guy, I would have atleast given her a smile." He glanced at his watch. It was 6:00 in the morning and the sun had already risen in Daniel's heart for Lavina. Daniel's eyes followed Lavina to the end of the alley where the alley ended into a pale clean whitewashed wall and he could see her no more.
There was something mesmerizing about Lavina that attracted Daniel towards her like a moth to a flame. A moth that flies into the heart of the flame unaware of the aftermath. By this time Daniel had been through a whirlwind of emotions and was all blank just like a volatile person led out of a hypnotism room.
He walked out of the cafeteria towards his bay. Was he dreaming??? There he saw Lavina standing outside his bay. Daniel's strength left him and went weak in the knees unable to carry his legs any further. Dragging himself and eyes inspecting the carpet floor, avoiding any further eye contact he reached the entrance to his bay. "Hi there!", he heard a faint voice.
To be Contd...
Wah kya likhta hai
Wah kya likhta hai
Wah kya likhta hai
Wah kya likhta hai
too good re, denzo.. Keep it up.. Total Chetan Bhagat style.. Did you, by any chance, get a sneak peek into his next?? I doubt it big time.. :) So much resemblence.. you are totally out there to recreate the magic of the Bhagat. :)
Thanks bhailog...
Its getting tougher to live to my expectations now ;-)
But keep watching this place..
Abhe mand paw i still can't believe tht u can just potray such a romantic story.......boss IS it out of some personal experience????
I guess so......
A Request:::: Pls i don't wanna hav a sad ending to this story.......
hey denzil...thoda jyada likh yaar..nahi toh roz likh...i am used to reading novels in one go :-)
Denzieeeeeeeeeeeee ...
New story please.
By Order!!!!
Thanks guys... My next story is all ready... just giving some final touches before it is released...
Ali... The ending hasnt been decided yet coz the story hasnt ended yet.
Cedric... I suggest that you read this blog after a year or so.. till then you will have lots to read ;-) Just kidding...
I will try and keep up the pace... However, its good to know that everyone is eager to know "Whats happens Next?"
Arni... your order has been heard.. will be acted upon soon...
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