Suddenly the air seems less polluted... there has been drop down in the suphates floating in the air.... No it is not because of the rains... It is because many youngsters have stopped aping our HEROS on screen...and as a result stopped SMOKING

According to a recent law passed by the Censor Boards... the characters are not allowed to smoke on the screen...If they do smoke then a message should be flashed on the screen saying "Smoking is Injurious to Health". According to the Government the youngsters smoke coz their idols on screen do so...

I don't agree with this new rule... It is not because I smoke... In fact I have never smoked in my life and I hate Passive smoking... But even then I want to ask you whether you think this new rule will bring down the smoking rate??? I don't think so...
What do you think about all the action movies where the Hero kills the Villian and thrashes the goons coz they did injustice to him and his family when he was a small kid...

What about the Item Numbers they show on screen??? Doesn't it tempt the youth to visit dance bars??? Is this less harmful than smoking???

I think the Government just wants some cheap publicity.... If it is really concerned about Smoking.... then let them hike the taxes levied on Cigarretes and other forms of tobacco... What Say???

nice post!i totally agree with the fact that this ban won't change anything.
i dont smoke..but when i was a kid i thought smoking was cool. that wasn't bcoz i saw any actor or actress smoking.
today i no longer think it is cool. but i think its stupidity.
i think any kind of addiction is stupidity (i know im writing this in a totally male blog..whatever the consequences).
getting back to the point,i guess making ourselves slaves of anything..be it drugs,booze or cigarettes..is wasting ur health n ur life.
I Feel there is definetly an impact of stars smoking on tv on people residing in rural areas and even to a extent on people in urban areas. This is because when we have an amitabh bachhan or sharukh khan adving people to send their kids for a polio dose, the surveys show that the stars have helped in increasing the awareness. Similarly the stars smoking on tv definetly makes people smoke feeling that they are they are making a style statement. I liked this article cause i myself have never smoked. Also i know that a ban wont help. If anything that needs to be banned is the sale of such products only.
agree with wat u said... they really can put high taxes n alll.. it will affect people like us ;) but that will help out...
look at it this way man.. to rake up issues like smoking, dance bars. couples holding hands (grrr) and all other sorts of stupid talibanesque rubbish..... is to take the attention away from the fact that the govt is fucking up in every other more important basic aspect of life in the city.. powercuts, water shortages, lack of space, disease, education!!.. goodwork doesnt give the politician his seat.. tis the amount of publicity he can monger up
and as far as smoking is concerned... i think most of us engineers are very well aware that the ONE AND ONLY reason ..guys or gurls take up smoking is because their friends or their friends friends do it..and they just wanna fit in and be cool.... :|
so whats the govt gonna do next.. BAN FRIENDSHIP!!1..
and looking the shit they've been upto...i wont be surprised!!!!!!!..
oh... u know in bangkok...the govt has asked all cigarette companies to put sad , depressing pictures (depicting cancer deaths, birth disorders and stuff related to ciggies) on the covers of all ciggy packs!!.. :P my friend bought a pack and almost had second thoughts about smoking.......almost!!..
aiyo!! forgot one more thing......MBM hua!!.. it was fun..u basturds shouldve come re..*^()^&*5..but manu told me ya had to drop someone off at the airport.. :(
even she couldnt make it..grrrrrrr... but i did tell everyone about the big gang of guys from my college who all blog!! :D:D:D.. the gurls were very curious.
check it out.. have put up links and pics up at both the MBM main page and me blog..
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