Suddenly the air seems less polluted... there has been drop down in the suphates floating in the air.... No it is not because of the rains... It is because many youngsters have stopped aping our HEROS on screen...and as a result stopped SMOKING

According to a recent law passed by the Censor Boards... the characters are not allowed to smoke on the screen...If they do smoke then a message should be flashed on the screen saying "Smoking is Injurious to Health". According to the Government the youngsters smoke coz their idols on screen do so...

I don't agree with this new rule... It is not because I smoke... In fact I have never smoked in my life and I hate Passive smoking... But even then I want to ask you whether you think this new rule will bring down the smoking rate??? I don't think so...
What do you think about all the action movies where the Hero kills the Villian and thrashes the goons coz they did injustice to him and his family when he was a small kid...

What about the Item Numbers they show on screen??? Doesn't it tempt the youth to visit dance bars??? Is this less harmful than smoking???

I think the Government just wants some cheap publicity.... If it is really concerned about Smoking.... then let them hike the taxes levied on Cigarretes and other forms of tobacco... What Say???