I want to make an important announcement. This is a very important day in the history of the Animal Kingdom. So we wanted the entire blog fraternity to know what this occassion is all about. This occasion will be celebrated by the entire Animal Kingdom. All the species of the Animal Kingdom are hereby informed that we will all be celebrating this occassion together. "Iss mauke pe kuchh mitha ho jaye.. kyonki...

We are celebrating the Birthday of one of our specie... Guess who it is?????? Still connecting???? Yes it is Naveen.... Its' Naveens Happywala Birthday today... So guys plz wish him...
P.S. All the species of the Animal Kingdom will be spotted this Saturday in the College Festival. And one more thing... Naveen will be giving his birthday bash on that day. Everyone is invited. No gifts and Plz. wear leather shoes for this occasion as you can present hiM .... BIRTHDAY BUMPS.....
ya happy bday!
hellooo navadi!
many happy returns of the day!
you are the man of the moment
Hey mate! Happy birthday!
hey ppl mmmmmmmm..... bck,
ths strted whn v 1st met in suth.....didn't xpected tht d group whch v r abt 2 form will b an undivided forum n will nvr get seperated.....but whn i saw evry1 4 d 1st time, i thght y it happens 1ly with me, hw thse ppl r n will they b my frnds, i don't knw hw i'll get alng with thm, i'm d 1ly 1 who is fresher, but hey i knew hw 2 make frnds.....so ths is wht i thght/notice/predicted abt evry1 whn i met them for d 1st time on d launch day of MS WinXPSP2.....agnijit alias agni--27/28yrs, stunned with so mmny ppl arnd him, as if a kid is lft in d park who is not happy/interested with ths job at all, some1 who is also a fresher but an engg., .....amit v--30+yrs, life means work.....ankush--28yrs & ankansha alias akku--28yrs, both had a special touch n were concerned abt me(donno y?), n alwayz adviced me somethng good.....amit j--26yrs, villian of d team (his face look), stares at ppl as if he d don/gunda.....deepti--25/26yrs, shy, soft spoken person but lots of rumours abt her n system32, well v completed our training 2gethr.....denzil--25/26yrs, superb curly hair, vry shy n quiet person but shaiten ko sone dena cahiye.....dharmesh--27/28yrs, vry professional who talks 1ly 2 d point.....kanchan--shrewd, egoistic n dangerous coz she is ready 2 blow ne1 who comes in her way.....rajarshi--confused man n married man, who looked like my CA.....reena--a innocent grl who has passed her hsc n is vry scared (mabbe bcoz of amit j).....vimal--gr8 vision inspite of those thick glass.....vinil--thgt does he evr wash his hair
Hey Jai...
I found your comment very amusing and as well as hilarious...
Thanks for your frank comment.. keep visiting the blog and yes..if possible try to create your own blog and write about your experiences in Suth... it will be fun...
Belated happy birthday naveen! :)
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