Christmas - the day when Jesus came to this world. One of the most famous and important festival celebrate all across the world. Its that time of the year when diets are meant to be forgotten and you are supposed to feast on cakes, sweets and how can I forget my favorite Goan Wine???
Having said all this... Christmas is not all about indulging in parties. Rather it is about sharing with someone who is not as fortunate as you are. And there is one person who is expected to do all this good work. Our very own Santa. Do you know Santa?? Well... St. Nicholas, popularly known as Santa Claus, was a son born to wealthy parents. However, after his parents death, he donated all his wealth amongst the needy, the poor and the sick.
Known for his affection towards children, he visits them every Christmas Eve. Children hang their stockings with their wishlist expecting that Santa will fill it up with goodies in the middle of the night. As Santa can't be everywhere.. we all know that it is the parents who are Santas of millions of children across the globe.
Don't you wish you could do the same today??? Like - make a wishlist and wait for Santa to fulfill all your wishes. How would your wishlist be like?
Do think about it... Maybe Santa reads this and your wishes come true... Merry Christmas to you all...
Winning a lottery when i purchase the ticket for the very first time.
Hey the snap of Jesus looks the same as i have used on my blog in the article: JESUS (LOVE) IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON
Just wanted to add i was very dissapointed when my neighbours told me when i was small that Santa never existed. After my parents confirmed the same after a while i was really heartbroken.
anil:: merry christmas & a happy new year.
To Cedric...
Santa does exist... He may not be a big fat old man wearing a red suit.... Look around.....
To Anil...
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Hapy New Year too... How was Christmas celebrated in New Zealand??
@ Anil: Hey are u alive. U had gone for a year. But it seems u have no plans of coming back. KT laga kya. :-)
@ Denzil: I think wat u are trying to say is that Santa is not exactly wat we thought when v were kids. I think with time the meaning of Santa also changes and i think i hav got ur point.
anil:: from 25th of dec to 3rd of jan complete holiday.......
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