"Nahi sudhrega re BAWA tu..." This famous line from Vaastav was one of my favorites. But Amit too took a liking to this line and started calling me BAWA. But as luck would have it, the tables turned and the people in college started thinking that his name is BAWA. Kya sahi bola na BAWA? To this day many students in the college think that his real name is BAWA.
Bawa is worried that one day all the people will forget his real name and start calling him BAWA. So, friends lest that happens..let me write down his name here in the post which will serve as a reminder to his great great grandchildren. Just imagine how happy they will be..when they stumble on this post and manage to find the real name of their great great Grandfather. So, for the records here it is... I solemnly pledge that Bawa's real name is Amit Naik.
Well, that reminds me... he is also called NAIK - the Real Hero .. (derived from the hit movie NAYAK). Apart from Naik and Bawa he is also called Kamzor Kali, the Nature Boy, Prod, Devgan, Nasheele Aanken... the list goes on...
All his nic names have been derived from some or the other incident that has happened in his life.
Kamzor Kali - Always gives this famous excuse of having some fitness problem and misses most of our group meetings... But now, he seems to have worked on his fitness and joins us most of the times. This title of Kamzor Kali was conferred on him by the nic name specialist Pritam.
Nature Boy - He was given this title during one of our engineering exam days. He always needs to keep the balcony sliding window open to breathe fresh air. Also loves Rains and never closes the sliding windows when it rains... He is also seen spending most of his time in the balcony admiring the scenic beauty of the surroundings. Waah! Kya style hai!
Prod - This title exists for the simple fact that he is a Production Engineer. As the major shareholders of Animal Kingdom are from the branch of Telecommunication Engineering, there was always this tussle between Telecommunication and the other engineering branches. And I don't need to mention who emerged the winner all the time. "Telecommunication" branch has always and will always be the "KING". Without missing this opportunity let me proclaim it once again... "Telecomm rules...Comps (Computer branch) and rest all branches sucks"... Three cheers for the Animal Kingdom. I also feel proud of the fact that we have adopted an animal from Comps. Everyone knows who he is...Pehchaan kaun? No prizes for guessing... Its Tarun.
Devgan and Nasheele Aankhen - Both these nic names share a close relationship with each other. Can you guess how? If you are a Bollywood fan, you must have guessed it by now. Bawa oops Amit has this nasheele aankhen like Ajay Devgan and they always have a yellowish hue which make him look as if he is Fultoo Tulli. He was also called Devgan coz his hairstyle resembled Devgan's. All the hair pulled from one area to cover another area.
I guess I need to stop now... If Bawa reads this post he is gonna run after my life. After all its his Birthday today. So, all the animals out there... give Bawa a standing ovation... "Happy Production Day Bawa....Err..HAPPY BIRTHDAY Amit..." Here is a cake dedicated by the animals to Amit. Isn't the

Hey Denz,
U hav described BAWA in such a way tht a person not knowing him can just imagine wht species is BAWA.......Welcome 2 kingdom animalia BAWA.....
Arey BAWA....
kucchi pakkiwali happy birthday.. prod...
i wrote that in south indian language...it means HAPPY BIRTHDAY....
this comment will be in south indian language fot you...
madiyale kodiale... kunchipuda.. kojwale
tumbarah... waderale...
kandukondain kandukondain...
higaru chingaru,,, wanderale....
kaka panni ane....
anja muulla nala randa tanda..
wanaakaam appaam paaaysam...
thats it .... i dont know south indian lang in detail...
happy birthday..
Wow Dex! U seem 2 b pretty creative with the south indian lang! I read a few words from all the four south indian languages - viz - tamil, telugu, malayalam, kannada - Atleast sm tamil n malayalam words r definitely there - So u r getting into integrated south indian language development - i wish u all d best in this new project of urs! May this become the universally accepted programming language of the future!
Yep Ali! I don't know u but i guess like u said, Denz has been too gud at making even a no-gudder like me visualize dear Amit - Hey Denz as always - the creative guy that u r - words of praise r always less
Hmm...ajay devgan...nasheele aankhen....reminds me of sm 1...4get it!
=)) r u talking abt that amit who doesnt have underscore? :P hmm then maybe ive seen his pic like nasheelee aankhe :d and the other nick names r juss 2 fundu :D college days... oh boy.... and why dint i get that idea to put "animals" or even "men" on my cake ;)
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meri item ...........
Hey Gemini girl.... Thanks for passing by..
Well, I guess I have posted his picture in my Water Kingdom post. I don't know the underscore you are talking about...
And who is this Pehchaan Kaun??? Well... whoever it is... Let me tell u... I like your item.. A Nice piece of art!!!
And Dex... you learn south langauge and then come up with an album of your own... "O Podu"....
It was fun reading about your friend Amit.I truly enjoyed it! :p
Kamzor Kali and Nature Boy sounds extremely hilarious :p
I wish my friends could give me a nickname too :)
And what is this.. I see people are using South Indian Languages over here :p Most of my classmates are Keralites, therefore I spend most of my school hours in their company and try to understand what they speak..
After spending eight years with them, I can only pronounce this sentence correctly ----> 'Podda Patti' :p
Aaah! Bad words are easy to learn!
Ye inside ma mind wali AMMAne baraabar pakda hain...
Ye gaali galooch kaun karta..
Kerala de Munda ... nyana vera inda... poo.. bagaralu wandaralu kodikuchi kathakali natyam wanaakaam...
gali nahi dena warna hum nariyaal kitarh kaatdeena... amma..
Hey Insidemamind... You want us to give you a nic name???? Hmm.. Thats easy...
Just write a composition on "Myself" in about 250 words... That should be it... We will come with a cute nic name for you... and thats a promise.. ;-)
Ya we have been doin it... and we are good at it!!!
hehehe LOL
hii, you are tagged!
Thanks Rathna... My only problem with taking up this tag is that all my secrets about my loved one will be divulged...
Hmm... Let me see if i can risk it...
ammoy... anna bawa ... kya karta tu... happy bday.... njoy for nw.... nw tel wen n whr is party re.. am waitin ... say goa is also good re...
hey denzi....dis is preejush here ... where is bawa working now??
me n pritam are working together here...lagtha hai yeh dosti nahi chutegi...n wen u guys goin 2 goa...must b fun yaar..anyway happy bday bawa...da only prod guy in ya group...
Arre Preejush.... Bawa is in GODREJ... Saala production.....Wahan bhi mazdhoori ki kar raha hai... hahahah :-D
preejush here ..
good yaar he is in godrej...i guess he is in the cupboard making dept..lol
anyway prod log ko sirf hammer and screw hi chahiye and they will start doing something..i remember onetime when he was about to do something to the lock in the house where u guys stayed...i guess u didn't have the keys and bawa was thinking of breaking it or did he break it???
Hey Preejush... He broke into the house...
All he had to do was just take out the Hack saw blade from the toolkit in his Production bag and then start cutting the lock....
He has been practicing this in the college workshop... and he got this chance of doing it in the real life too...
Bawa... Cut the Godrej ka lock... Saala 500 Rupaiye ka Phatka laga... Aur Paisa Ab Tak nahi diya hai...Thanks for reminding... Abhi vasool karna hai... ;-D
Alrite guys u ve said it all, now its my turn, just wait till ur birthday, u ll get a good surprise...especially u telecom guys....
and 1 thing is 4 sure TELECOM SUCKS , abe sab jaao aur chullu bhar pani main doob maro.
And atul this is 4 u, kaalkunchay...
And prijyush and pritam u both r still alive, i thought u both r gone in a police encounter...hehe
Le bawa atlast internet waparne seekh gaya...
i felt you would never be able to come here...
bawa.... wanderle.. kasa aale.. blogkochi illa wagiwadle ... ghuusaaadle raagawale..
hehaha hasawale...
prodwaalay crankshaftaley.. whyser oiling overhaulingshaalay....
al the best for the revengerley...
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