But before we start… let us wish one of the species of our Kingdom…. Anil Jhurani…Many Many Happy Returns of the Day…. Happy Birthday ANIL…..

This time its gonna be a small story that the species of this kingdom heard… It’s a story about a small group of people who were the prey of four dreaded hunters…

This is how the story goes…

Long long ago, in a college named St. Stanford JohnDale College of Engineering (SSJCOE), studied a small herd of animals… These animals were under constant fear of being attacked by the hunters in the college… The hunters called themselves “ATMA”…

They were four of them… They formed their group right from the first year of college…

and his self proclaimed right hand 'John Ibrahim'

According to latest information, ATMA

As described earlier, ATMA

Name: Akanksha (Catch her if u can)
The first member of ATMA…highly effervescent…most unpredictable…fierce hunter…
fair in looks…speaks her mind loud…
Animal kingdom would like to dedicate this song to her…” Gore rang pe naa itna ghumaar kar…”

Name: The Bee (Oriental Star)
The quietest of all the hunters… loves stars and the galaxies…. The best thing about this hunter is that she does not harm dogs and pups of the Animal Kingdom…. Atleast she is kind enough to these animals....

Name: Money Show (Sanki Manki)
The most mischievous of the group….can strike anytime…. Nicknamed Monkey for her unusual antics in the college…. Acts like a specie of the Animal Kingdom but beware…. (looks can be deceptive)…. Is a hunter on the prowl….

Name: Adhi-Tea
The most favourite hobby of this hunter is hunting male animals.....

Hope you had fun reading this one…Hunters do not take it to heart…this was just to have some fun… Pun intended..

Now jokes apart.... we the species of Animal Kingdom would like to thank each one of the hunter for being such good friends and for reading our blog and giving us feedback.... Continue to do the same and keep encouraging us....

ok this post would go total bouncer for anyone who doesnt already know these babes.:P
Hey..hunters on the prowl...should be more like Bhatakthi Atma...:P.here from Andys blog...Isnt Sanki Manki the Kashmiri Chick that Dee,Wuss and Vighy drool over..huh?>:)
well i feel sad for all the guys in our coll
cause we girls were not only the most approachable but also the most bitched about.
however hard we work for a coll event...or help our classmates wit notes and stuff..still we remain labelled as coll bitches.
i guess to be respected in this coll u have to date around these coll guys or sleep around wit them!
no hard feelings denz n kingdomanimalia (U GUYS R THE FEW GOOD GUYS WE KNOW IN SSJCOE)
P.S:I know mr. Talker urged u to write this!he is dead!
hey tabs...comon..this was a joke...nothing personal...And You gals were great friends...and v really mean it..
It was because of u gals dat v had a gr8 time during the 4 yrs of college... Thanks for being there...:)
Hi denz jiyo meri LAAAAAL PAAAAAAAO jiyo..............
Hey DEnz that was gr8..
but aatma misunderstud it .........
Yaaaaaaaar LEkin tu jaldi senti ho jata hai...............
Are denzi yarrr dat was tooooooooooooooooooooooo harsh.................
Hi there...
I apologize if I have hurt your sentiments..This was not intentional... We were just joking .... No hard feelings plz... I hope u understand....
hey denzil n all of animal kingdom,
i must say ur very creative, innovative,.....blah blah blh.....
the write up was good to read, also the apologies....but i must say u have the wrong info.. if u scratch ur memory u will recollect that the group ' ATMA' existed only till the third year of college....it was never the same in the final year....who else is a better witness to it other than u????
The group or the girl band was formed when 4 girls with the same wavelength of thought met in the sad engineering college. There was a time when they would do anything for each other.......no doubt there were differences but they were resolved within no time.
But things changed in the final year. The group was reduced to ATA with no M in it.so there is no reason as to y the group should exist now…..as u hv mentioned in ur blog………n no we’re not hunting presently…..we hv better jobs to do…….in my opinion the post was ridiculous……it has hurt my sentiments…….i don’t know abt the other ppl……
Yeah n one more thing, my intention ‘of hunting male animals’ was only to make a cool group in coll…….nothing other than that……but it never did materialize……the so called cool guys of coll always thought that it was a passé made at them…….even more sad……after goin to that coll even the ‘oh so broad minded n hep’ guys turned out to be the most narrow minded ones……
Frankly speakin the four years were a torture…..n im glad that I am out of it…..i don’t cherish any good memories…..other than the ones with thabi, ash, amu, hiren…….
Even now im in touch only with these ppl…..n my j.c frnds….. did bump into many of the coll ‘frnds’ during the various ent tests…..only to know that they don’t even recognize u…….great……that too after being one frm the group…….
Anyways this was not to rebuke ur post but to caution u against writing abt ppl without even thinking frm their point of view……thanks for bearin up…..
Sultan ivanhoe
Hey Adi....
I must appreciate that you had lots of patience to write such a big comment....... Thanks for being so understanding.....
Dont worry... we will never forget u.... as your so called 'friends' did....
We will always be here....
denzi comments ne tere post ki toh solid maar di hai......all the best...no more comments!...n ya... u have been a great friend to me!!thanks for being thr!
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