Last month after I published some of the exclusive pics which had caught the Animal Kingdom unaware, I received a couple of death threats. However, I braved it all and made a steely resolve - I am gonna come back hard and I AM BACK. This time with a series of pics "BEFORE AFTER". Great care was taken when taking these pics. These pics are as a result of some risky photography and daring stunts by my secret cameraman (his name is still a secret)
NOTE: I pledge that all the displayed pics are REAL and we havent digitally modified them. If the pics bear a striking resemblance it is purely coincidental.
So here you go... BEFORE: Kandu in a RamBharose Udipi Restaurant eating Wada Sambhar (with extra Sambhar), Masala Dosa (with extra chutney) and a cup of fresh Hot Coffee AFTER: Kandu in a plush NY Eatery hogging Veg. Burgers and a Coke (Ignore the plastic chairs and concentrate on his glowing hairdo)
BEFORE: Kaustubh inaugurating a Sulabh Sauchalay and as his pose suggests - Its pretty cheap for 2 Rupees
AFTER: Kaustubh practicing his pose outside another Sauchalay
BEFORE: Salli before being rescued from Shabbo Mausi ka Maikhana
AFTER: Old Habits Die Hard (Hai Dayya)
BEFORE: Kaustubh's loyal Ramu - His official carrier to College
AFTER: Kaustubh now posing on Pulsar after inaugurating a series of Sulabh Sauchalays (I would say Ramu suited him better... What do you say???)
BEFORE: Bawa in his famous Rambha 9211 Auto dropping passengers before turning into a famous South Indian Superstar overnight
AFTER: Bawa (Balasubra Chinnaswamy Babu Aapdiya) smiling away to glory after winning a news Sports Bike for his Super Hit Performance for his film - Kaalkunchay Waandarlay
MOVIE which starred Bawa and Atul Babu Peer Panve
BEFORE: Kandu - first user of the Sulabh Sauchalay inaugurated by Kaustubh with 2 buckets (Just after eating Chicken Angaara)
AFTER: Kandu still in the same pose in freezing cold in NY (No buckets but lots of tissues)
BEFORE: Unkil MaXXi in San Diego sticking out his tongue to the kid who called him Unkil
LATER: Unkil MaXXi shaved head in revenge (But stills looks like an Unkil)
AFTER: Grew his hair back but no idea how long they will stay there
BEFORE: Sssharukh with his secret love Anna before he met Karan Johar